This is me

Project 26 of 74

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This is a template which has been requested for a long time. A design inspired by the concept of a virtual business card, similar to what I did with the Basic Businesscard template but with all content placed in one single HTML file. Using only 42 lines of CSS code, it should load fast and be easy to customize. Also included is a set of jQuery scripts that give the template some nice effects, such as scrolling between the content sections and an image popup viewer (similar to Lightbox/Fancybox) called Poptrox – made by nodethirtythree. Although it doesn’t contain all of the advanced features that some of the commercial vCard templates (which served as a source of inspiration for the design) do, this template should be extremely easy to work with and build a complete site from. Edit one HTML file, upload your own photos, find your location on Google Maps and link to a map image – and you are ready to go!
