Variant Pure v1.6

alternate style

"This is Variant Pure, a free website template that can be used for regular HTML websites or built upon to create your own blog/CMS theme..."

Introducing Variant Pure - Sep 15th, 2012

With a small file size (no images are in the design) this is a template that loads quickly in any browser. The code is simple and well-structured XHTML 1.6 Strict and CSS2, and the design has been tested in all major web browsers including on several mobile devices. Variant Pure puts the focus on the content, not the design...

Posted in News by Andreas
Tags: sample, tag, list

Free to download, free to use - Sep 08th, 2012

The Variant Pure template is released as completely free code, which means that you are allowed to use it for any purpose and in any way you may want to, without any obligations or limitations. I kindly ask that you leave the credit text and link (the one that says "Template design by Andreas Viklund" in the footer) since that is a nice way of supporting my work and helping others find it.

Blog/CMS versions of this template

If you use this template to build a blog theme or CMS-specific template that you release to the public, please let me know and I'll post a link to your template/theme in my blog and on the Variant Pure template page.