Copyright information

The general idea with this site is that the content should be free to download and use in various ways. But there are a number of differences between the content types, and this document is created to give an easy overview of the copyright information. Latest update: September 1st, 2010.

General terms

Unless otherwise stated, all downloadable material on this website is provided “As-Is”, without any warranty or liability.

Texts, articles and images

All texts and graphics/images on this site are created by Andreas Viklund (unless otherwise is stated). If you want to copy or use any of the images or texts on this site, you may do so provided that proper credits are given by listing as the source of the material. I would also appreciate if you could contact me before you publish any of my texts or images elsewhere, but that is not a requirement. Most photos are available in higher resolution if requested.

The HTML/CSS templates

The free website templates (and all included images and related extras) are released as free material. It means that you may use the templates for free for any purpose, personal as well as commercial, without any obligations or conditions. I kindly ask that you leave the “Design by Andreas Viklund” credit link since that is a nice way of giving something back to me. But if you really need (or want) to remove the link, you are free to do so.

If you want to keep the credit link, but you think that the link text or location doesn’t fit in the footer of your website, you may of course change the text or move it to some other location on the site (such as a “credits” page). You may also change the text if you want to, for example if you make significant changes to the design.

Template-specific add-on material that is available on the single template pages, for example replacement header images or backgrounds, are free to use as specified with the templates. Re-distribution of this material and use for other purposes than as template add-ons will require a written permission from the add-on author.

Themes for WordPress, Tumblr and Drupal

The themes are released with a GPL licence.

Forum posts and blog comments

All forum posts and blog comments are the sole responsibility of the original poster. Posts or comments that are not relevant to the topic or that may be considered inappropiate or illegal will be deleted by one of the moderators. Users who posts spam or who repeatedly posts irrelevant, inappropiate or illegal posts or comments will get their user account deleted.

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