
New theme for WordPress: Lagom 1.0

After a long wait in the review queue, the Lagom theme for WordPress has now been approved and published in the official WordPress theme directory. It was made available three days ago, and it has already been downloaded more than 900 times. If you are looking for a classic 2-column blog layout, give it a…

Forum and contest updates

The forum has been updated to the latest version of the Simple Machines Forum system. Some visitors have had problems with registering, and I have not been able to identify the reason since all tests I have ran have worked well. Hopefully this update will make it work better. The design contest deadline has…

Graceful degradation vs. Progressive enhancement (part 1)

The graceful degradation philosophy, making full-featured designs work acceptable on older computers and mobile devices, is more and more getting replaced by a new philosophy called progressive enhancement. In a series of posts, I’ll write about differencies between the two, and explain why I will focus on progressive enhancement in the future…

Open call to designers, photographers, artists and other creative people!

After releasing mostly generic website template designs, it is now time to add something new: Templates about specific topics! As I can not do it all by myself, so I’m posting an open call to all the creative people out there to be a part of this project. Click the post title to read more about it…

New theme for WordPress: Arctica

A new WordPress theme has been submitted to the official WordPress theme directory, where it is currently in the review queue. It is called Arctica, and it has a 2-column layout with a light-on-dark colorscheme with a touch of purple. This is what it looks like…
