Category archive: General

Introducing a new contributor: Veselka!

We would like to welcome Veselka, our newest member of the team. Veselka is a brilliant Bulgarian web designer. With Veselka’s arrival, we would like to strengthen the quality and look of our free website templates. But we will also broaden our range to you and also introduce useful stuff such as UI-kits, PSD…

WordPress 3.5 (beta 1) is released

A few days ago, the first beta version of WordPress 3.5 was released. As always, it introduces a number of new features. And as always, it is not recommended for use on live websites while since it is still an early beta version. Still, it may be worth checking out if you are a plugin…

Template archive updates

The collection of free HTML/CSS templates have recieved a big refreshment this week, with updates to most of the older designs. Some templates have got additions and various optimizations, such as Daleri Single and Daleri Single (alt) which now resize to smaller screens if needed, while others, like the wide version of andreas01, have got…

WordPress 3.4.2 released

A new version of WordPress has been released, a maintenance and security release that fixes a number of bugs and potential security issues. As always, the general recommendation is to update to the latest version even if you haven’t experienced any issues. The WordPress themes have been tested with the new version 3.4.2 and found…

In the works…

The summer is slowly turning into fall, and after a while with few posts and releases I am now back on track with lots of inspiration and collected material. Here are some of the things I have been working on during the summer, and which I will publish here on in a not-too-distant future:…
