For the love of details…

Post 162 of 262

During the last couple of days I have made a number of minor updates to the site. Mostly small changes that are invisible to visitors of the site, but which contribute to making the site a bit better. The site is now running WordPress 3.1, an update which will allow me to re-organize the template gallery using a custom post type and custom post formats. It will also provide some more options for registered members once I start adding bonus material that is exclusive to logged-in members. Updates to the forum are in progress, as well as for the new TemplateBuilder. I will describe the plans for the TemplateBuilder in the next post, as it seems to be a very welcome addition to the toolbox that should be for site builders.

New search engine

Among the more visible updates, the in-site search box in the header has been improved in two ways. First of all, it now sorts results based on keyword relevance rather than just matching search phrases. And second, it now works as a live search – although the speed is not optimal yet. If you type “template” in the search box and wait a few seconds (without pressing the Enter key), you will get a popup window with links to relevant pages and blog posts, along with an excerpt and an image thumbnail that gives you an idea of what the cntent of the post is all about. If you press Enter, you will see the same results on a search results page just like before.

I have also refreshed some of the CSS for the site and for the TemplateBuilder, and fixed incorrect post tags for a number of older blog posts. A number of non-human user registrations have been cleaned out and a bug in an older template has been fixed and new link buttons to the RSS feed and to my Twitter and Facebook pages have been added at the top of the sidebar. Small changes, as said, but still improvements and enhancements.

Wednesday the 2nd will be a day of new releases…

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This article was written by Andreas Viklund

Web designer, writer and the creative engine behind this website. Author of most of the free website templates, along with some of the WordPress themes.
