Tag archive: arctica

Update about the Arctica theme for WordPress

After being in the review queue for the official WordPress theme directory for more than three months, the Arctica theme was finally reviewed a day ago. Since it was based on the same code base as my two latest themes, Asokay and Lagom (which are both approved and published on wordpress.org), I expected the review…

Now available: The Arctica theme for WordPress

Since more than 80 days have passed since I submitted this theme to the official WordPress theme directory queue, and since the theme is marked as being under review since a number of weeks, I decided to make my next theme available on this site and keep it here until it shows up in the…

New theme for WordPress: Arctica

A new WordPress theme has been submitted to the official WordPress theme directory, where it is currently in the review queue. It is called Arctica, and it has a 2-column layout with a light-on-dark colorscheme with a touch of purple. This is what it looks like…
