Tag archive: templates

LESS, making CSS dynamic

I have been experimenting with LESS for a while, a javascript that makes it possible to use variables and nested rules in CSS that make the code a lot easier to manage. Or possibly more difficult, for those who are not familiar with the concept. I may possibly release a series of templates that use…

Coming up: Themes for Tumblr

I have written several times that suggestions, ideas and requests about the content on andreasviklund.com are very welcome. Several website visitors e-mailed me and asked for themes for the blog service Tumblr, while others suggested that I should check out Tumblr as it has grown to be an interesting alternative to the hosted blogging service…

Learning to use the semantic elements of HTML5

One question which I have got in several e-mails is: “Why should I use HTML5 tags rather than regular (X)HTML?”. In an effort to answer that question, I recommend that anyone interested in learning and understanding the new elements of HTML5 should read the article Learning to use HTML5 semantic elements by Steven Bradley. It…

From the forum: Free html5 template

Forum user stonerocket posted a thread in the showroom about the release of a new free html5/css3 template. It is a basic layout with a horizontal multi-level dropdown menu. The template validates as html5, but the code does not contain any html5-specific tags so it is easy to edit for anyone familiar with XHTML. Download…

New version of Variant Trio released

In a forum post, I was asked about modifying the code order Variant Trio template to place the main content before the sidebar content. While I am not very convinced of the significance of the code order in terms of how search engines view the site these days, it was a simple modification for me…
