Comment policy added

Post 150 of 262

Input from website visitors and template users is something I can never get enough of, and I appreciate all comments and all feedback – as well as bug reports, suggestions and requests from you. I read every single e-mail and every single comment, and I have learned a lot from your feedback. It has also helped me improve my templates and this site in many ways. However, among the comments there is also a large amount of spam and comments posted by people who obviously don’t even care to read the posts they are commenting on. Such comments do not add anything useful for other visitors and template users, and more often than not they are written to place keywords and a link to a website here. In order to maintain the order and keep the blog posts and their comments useful, I will follow an official comment policy from now on:

Before you post a comment, please make sure that you….

1. Use your name, or an alias that does not consist of obvious keywords related your website.

Comments posted by keywords will still be read by me, but not published on the site.

2. Don’t include a link to a spam blog.

Comments with URLs that lead to spam blogs will be marked as “spam”, and the URL will be added to the comment blacklist. Links to sites that are relevant to the blog post topic, to your comment or to web design in general are very welcome – as long as the comment comes from a person rather than a keyword as mentioned in the previous point.

3. Write a comment that is relevant to the post and useful for other visitors.

Comments to blog posts are a good way to reach other template users, no matter if you post tips or ideas or need help with something related to the blog post. Comments that are directed only to me (such as bug reports, general feedback and personal matters) are best sent as e-mails through my contact form.

Those three rules are simple enough to allow all regular comments through, and they are not intended to sound harsh or strict in any way. I encourage discussions, feedback and will happily answer any questions anyone may have related to the topic of this site. But if you come here to promote an unrelated website, the comments in the blog is the wrong place to do so.

This article was written by Andreas Viklund

Web designer, writer and the creative engine behind this website. Author of most of the free website templates, along with some of the WordPress themes.

1 comment:

annaAugust 28, 2011 at 11:36Reply

