Author archive: Andreas Viklund

What is responsive web design?

I got a question a few days ago which was really good: What does “responsive web design” mean, and why should I use it? In short, responsive web design is a term that describes the concept of building a website design in a way that allows the layout to change depending on what screen resolution…

New template: The Grid

A new template has been added to the website template page: The Grid. It is the first template I release which is using a grid layout system, and it provides a lot of freedom for template users to create advanced multi-column layouts. As always, I have kept the code as short and simple as possible…

Web accessibility for designers [useful infographic]

WebAIM is a site that I have recommended to many designers, template users and site builders. But I don’t think that I have written about it on before. What caught my attention today was a simple but very useful infographic on points worth keeping in mind to improve the accessibility of the site you…

LESS, making CSS dynamic

I have been experimenting with LESS for a while, a javascript that makes it possible to use variables and nested rules in CSS that make the code a lot easier to manage. Or possibly more difficult, for those who are not familiar with the concept. I may possibly release a series of templates that use…

Coming up: Themes for Tumblr

I have written several times that suggestions, ideas and requests about the content on are very welcome. Several website visitors e-mailed me and asked for themes for the blog service Tumblr, while others suggested that I should check out Tumblr as it has grown to be an interesting alternative to the hosted blogging service…
