
Coming up: Themes for Tumblr

I have written several times that suggestions, ideas and requests about the content on are very welcome. Several website visitors e-mailed me and asked for themes for the blog service Tumblr, while others suggested that I should check out Tumblr as it has grown to be an interesting alternative to the hosted blogging service…

CSS3 PIE – Bringing CSS3 effects to Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8

One common dilemma with using CSS3 decorations such as border-radius and box-shadow has been the lack of support for those decorations in the Internet Explorer web browser. But there is a rather simple way of getting some of the most popular CSS3 features to work with IE: CSS3 PIE – where PIE means “Progessive Internet…

How to create an easy-to-remember and strong password

As the web looks today, most people have a number of user accounts on various services. With that comes the need to use passwords, which should be as secure as possible. Preferably by being long, containing letters in mixed cases as well as numbers and special symbols. Passwords should also never be re-used, but unique…

Learning to use the semantic elements of HTML5

One question which I have got in several e-mails is: “Why should I use HTML5 tags rather than regular (X)HTML?”. In an effort to answer that question, I recommend that anyone interested in learning and understanding the new elements of HTML5 should read the article Learning to use HTML5 semantic elements by Steven Bradley. It…

From the forum: Free html5 template

Forum user stonerocket posted a thread in the showroom about the release of a new free html5/css3 template. It is a basic layout with a horizontal multi-level dropdown menu. The template validates as html5, but the code does not contain any html5-specific tags so it is easy to edit for anyone familiar with XHTML. Download…
