Today I am launching a new feature on, an online tool for building (and within a near future, publishing) complete websites out of the templates found here. It is called the TemplateBuilder, and it is free to use. It can be considered a beta launch since some features are not yet in place. But the tool is still fully functional, and I think it will be the most useful addition to this site so far. Basically, it allows anyone to build websites using templates – without any need to edit any HTML.
I will write a lot more about this tool during the next couple of weeks, to explain how to use it and what the plans there are for future features. For now, you are very welcome to give it a test run. Go to to get started! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write me an e-mail.
This article was written by Andreas Viklund
Web designer, writer and the creative engine behind this website. Author of most of the free website templates, along with some of the WordPress themes.
Excelente. Muy buena herramienta. Muy provocadora y una enorme novedad en
Que yo conozca, no hay sitios webs similares que ofrezcan ésto.
This is really excellent, a great idea and a solution that works.
Keep it up in that way. I am glad becoming your customer.
I love this theme, however I can not find where I can remove the border that appears around my images… Hoping you can help me out here. I have been three days trying to locate this.. Thank you in advance…
I’m sorry I forgot to tell you what Theme!! The Andrea for wordpress…
Excellent! I only just found your site and am impressed. I think a good idea would be to include a contact form (or the option of several contact form layouts) for inclusion in the Contact page.
Also, possibly some images just for fillers to give the generated template some graphical impact?
Thanks. Will use this myself.
great idea,thanks for sharing this .
Hey when is it likely to be functional?