Distraction-free writing coming in WordPress 3.2

Post 132 of 262

Text editors with completely clutter-free interfaces have been a rising trend for the last couple of years. Instead of having a user interface full of options, buttons, fields and other objects, distraction-free editors go completely blank – leaving only the text you write visible on the screen. It allows writers to put all focus on the writing, and for anyone who is easily distracted (which I know I am), this is a great tool that makes writing a lot easier. As a regular user of such software, I got really happy when I read WordPress developer Mark Jaquiths blog and found out that version 3.2 of WordPress will include a distraction-free editor!

Each new release of WordPress often introduces new features which I didn’t knew I was missing until I tried them. That is not the case for this feature. I have actually been looking for plugins to get this kind of feature into WordPress-based websites in the past, without finding any usable solution. While it wouldn’t be very useful for me on this site, atleast not compared to what it will be on more text-oriented sites, I will very likely be using it here quite often anyway. For example for writing longer blog entries such as tutorials and future reviews.

Keep up the great work, WP developers. It can not be said too many times: You are doing a great job, and I am just one out of millions of WordPress users who appreciate it.

This article was written by Andreas Viklund

Web designer, writer and the creative engine behind this website. Author of most of the free website templates, along with some of the WordPress themes.
