Search Results for: wp

Moving into the world of Creative Commons

Starting today, all future free HTML/CSS templates (both new designs and updates of previous releases) will be released under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. It will not mean any difference in terms of how the templates can be used, modified and redistributed, as the templates will remain free to download, free to use for both…

New Drupal theme: Inland

The Inland CSS template has now been ported into a theme for Drupal and added to the Drupal themes page. The Inland theme for Drupal was created by Nick Young, and the theme includes support for the Nivo Slider header image slideshow. The project is under active development, and Nick is planning to add support…

Pinning images from this site on Pinterest

The online pinboard service Pinterest is a fast-growing site for pinning and sharing images and links of various kinds. In terms of popularity, it is a huge phenomenon that is used and appreciated by a large number of people worldwide. But Pinterest has also got a lot of criticism as the concept of pinning images…

“This is me” template updated to v1.1

As described in the post from yesterday, the This is me and This is me (dark) templates have been updated to support multiple image gallery sections, with internal navigation links between the sections. In terms of code modifications, it is a minor update. But a very useful one, as I have seen that the two…

Adding more gallery pages to the “This is me” template

The new This is me and This is me (dark) templates have got great feedback, and there are already a number of websites based on the templates running live on the web. After reviewing the feedback from users of the two templates, I am now working on updates based on your comments, ideas and requests….
