Search Results for: wp

1024px theme for WordPress

Download: [download#70] File size: 63 Kb Preview: Live demo (opens in a new window) Description: A light and extremely simple theme with 2 columns. It is based on the 1024px XHTML/CSS template. Updated to support tags, category descriptions, gravatars and more. Validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict. 1024px theme screenshot

Basic Reader theme for WordPress

Download: [download#77] File size: 105 Kb Preview: Live demo (opens in a new window) Description: WordPress theme inspired by the Basic Reader template, built as a modification of the default theme, twentyten. Basic Reader theme screenshot

Basic Noise theme for WordPress

Download: [download#98] File size: 121 Kb Preview: Live demo (opens in a new window) Description: Based on the Basic Noise CSS template, this WordPress theme expands on the original template design and adds a sidebar column. The Basic Noise theme for WordPress supports sidebar widgets, custom navigation menus (with dropdown menu support included) and includes…

Basic Presentation as a Drupal theme

The Basic Presentation CSS template has been ported into a theme for Drupal. The first release is made for Drupal 6.x, but a Drupal 7 version will follow. The theme demo reminded me that the position for the background image in the original template is set to ‘fixed’, which is not very good for pages…

New WordPress theme and preview links added

The WordPress themes page has been updated with live preview links for the available themes. It gives you the ability to see a demo of the themes before download, on a separate website with sample content designed to show as many of the WordPress features as possible. The demo site runs WordPress v3.2 beta 1,…
