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Sofia is a simple single page menu-less personal presentation template, with a responsive layout and icons for links to social profiles.


This is Leaves, a simple but useful website template made with standards-compliant HTML5 and CSS3 only. It uses two fixed-width grid systems (12 columns), which both scale down to a full-width single-column layout on devices with low screen widths. The template is based on the Freestyle template and has an alternative light-on-dark design option hidden…

Mobile layout of the “In Response” template updated

The new In Response CSS template features a simple media query that makes the layout responsive, scaling the fixed-width and multi-column grid layout down to a full-width and single-column layout on mobile devices. I mentioned this in the template release description, but I didn’t upload any screenshot of the mobile layout at the time of…

The Grid v2.2

The Grid version 2.2 is a flexible website template, built with the basic grid system from the original The Grid template as the starting point but with a number of significant additions, improvements and new abilities. The Grid v2.2 includes two different grid systems: The 960-pixel wide grid from the first version of the template,…

Expressions – Premium HTML/CSS template

Preview Purchase – $4 Expressions is the second premium HTML/CSS website template from It has a minimalistic design suitable for gallery or portfolio websites, and it includes both an image slideshow and a scrollable thumbnail gallery with lighbox image popups. Expressions is built with HTML5 and CSS3, with a responsive layout that scales down…
