Category archive: General

WordPress theme and plugin vulnerability: timthumb.php

Have you noticed strange things happening with your WordPress websites lately? Are spam links appearing in the theme HTML output without being visible when you view the page? Or are you using plugins or themes that have not been updated lately? Then there are a few articles you need to read.

Template tutorial translated to German

The six-part tutorial about building your first website using a free website template is now available in German, thanks to Techfacts. The first part can be found here: Erstellen Ihrer ersten Website mit Hilfe einer Website-Vorlage.

LESS, making CSS dynamic

I have been experimenting with LESS for a while, a javascript that makes it possible to use variables and nested rules in CSS that make the code a lot easier to manage. Or possibly more difficult, for those who are not familiar with the concept. I may possibly release a series of templates that use…

Asokay WordPress theme updates

The Asokay theme for WordPress is currently in the review queue for the official WordPress theme directory. In order to match the requirements for the directory, the theme has got some minor updates. And more updates are planned for future versions, once the theme is approved. By publishing the theme in the theme directory, users…

The future of CSS layouts

This is exciting, a quick view into what CSS layouts may look like in the future. I have experimented a bit with CSS columns and grid but not used it for any template yet. Expect experimental releases later this fall!
