
Variant Creative (alternate version) released

The single most popular template since its release a few weeks ago, Variant Creative, has been reworked and released as an alternate version: Variant Creative (alt). The new version comes with red/pink colors, an embedded @font-face font (Ubuntu, downloaded from Font Squirrel) and a new blog-styled layout (see the screenshot below) – a bonus that…

Currently in the works…

Year 2011 has started with several simultaneous projects going on at once here on Some are not very obvious, such as optimization work to speed up the site using a cache plugin for WordPress and a significant update to the forum registration form to prevent spam robots from registering and posting in the forum….

andreasXX and Daleri templates as Drupal Themes

I am in the process of setting up a Drupal test site to try out the different Drupal themes that have been built from my free templates. The most interesting ones are the ones created by Nick Young. He has created three themes, of which two feature multiple layouts: a 1024px theme, a theme based…

New release: Basic Businesscard

A new template has been published: Basic Businesscard. It is a simple design, as the name implies inspired by (and intended for) one-page presentation websites – basically online business cards. But it can of course be modified into a regular website as well, if wanted. Check it out, click the screenshot below to download the…

A quick overview of new tags in HTML5

The more I read about HTML5, the more I like it. But what is new, and how can the new features be used? And more specifically, how is a HTML5 website template different from an XHTML template? In an effort to find a good answer I would like to start with listing new HTML tags…
