
Tutorial: Building your first website using a free website template (part 2)

This is part 2 in a series of blog posts that will explain how to use a free website template to build and publish a complete website. Read part 1 for an introduction to the tutorial and for instructions on how to follow it and how to submit feedback that will affect future parts. In…

New template: Learn CSS

A new template to learn from

andreas08 dressed in pink

The andreas01 template has previously been enhanced with two alternate versions, added to give potential template users a bigger selection to choose from. I followed that up by releasing two alternate versions of Variant Rounded where I focused mainly on the core layout. A wider version was created, as well as a 2-column version. For…

Alternate versions of Variant Rounded

Last week I released two alternate versions of the andreas01 template. Today I have added two variations of the Variant Rounded template with wider layouts (960px width instead of 760px in the original template), including a 2-column version since that had been requested by a site visitor. I did not make any changes to the…

HTML5 templates with CSS3?

The templates on are all written using XHTML and CSS2, but newer web standard drafts are on their way. HTML5 and CSS3 are gaining in popularity, and with more and more web browsers adding support for these upcoming standards the interest for using them for website production increases. As a logical result, the interest…
