Adding more gallery pages to the “This is me” template

Post 49 of 262

The new This is me and This is me (dark) templates have got great feedback, and there are already a number of websites based on the templates running live on the web. After reviewing the feedback from users of the two templates, I am now working on updates based on your comments, ideas and requests.

One of the most common questions has been how to add more images to the image gallery in the portfolio section of the templates. Today, I have been rewriting the image gallery a bit to allow more images to be added. In short, the code that activates the Poptrox image gallery script has been modified to make it work on a class rather than on the id=”pics”, which means that an unlimited number of gallery pages can be added. Along with this modification, I will also add internal navigation between those gallery pages. Version 1.1 of the two templates will be published tomorrow, along with a short tutorial on how to update websites built with the first version of the templates to support this new feature. I will also post links to some of the sites that have been built with the templates. If you have have a site that I should include, please post a comment to this article and let me know!

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This article was written by Andreas Viklund

Web designer, writer and the creative engine behind this website. Author of most of the free website templates, along with some of the WordPress themes.
