Search Results for: template

New free website template: Italy

Italy is a new Html/Css template designed by Veselka aimed for showing food, pastries and other yummy things. This is a responsive template and it can easily be modified to your own preferences. It comes in two different colours. Download Preview

Two new templates released: Bulgaria & Sofia

As stated in the last post, new contributor Veselka has created two free website templates that have been made available for free download. Here is a presentation of them: Bulgaria Bulgaria is a template based on Bootstrap, with a full-width slideshow, a portfolio page and a fully responsive layout which scales down beautifully on…

New free website template: Fashion

The Fashion template is a colorful and artistic HTML/CSS template which puts images in focus. It is built with a responsive grid layout system that allows you to create any layout needed, and it includes an image gallery with slideshow features (powered by Gallerax by nodethirtythree), as well as sample styles for a contact form….

New responsive HTML/CSS template: Leaves

Introducing the Leaves HTML/CSS template, a simple but useful website template made with standards-compliant HTML5 and CSS3 only. It uses two responsive fixed-width grid systems (12 columns), which scale down to a full-width single-column layout on devices with low screen widths. Thanks to the grid systems, there are lots of options in terms of layouts…

Mobile layout of the “In Response” template updated

The new In Response CSS template features a simple media query that makes the layout responsive, scaling the fixed-width and multi-column grid layout down to a full-width and single-column layout on mobile devices. I mentioned this in the template release description, but I didn’t upload any screenshot of the mobile layout at the time of…
