Two WordPress themes added

Two classic WordPress themes have been added to the WordPress themes page: Daleri Dark and Daleri Selection. Daleri Dark will also be released as a HTML/CSS template in a few days, and Daleri Selection (which was the base theme for the previous design on has a website template version available as Variant Classic. Both…

Customizing the images in the Variant Note template

The latest free template release, Variant Note, includes three .PSD files (Adobe Photoshop format) that allows the images in the template to be customized in an easy way if you use Adobe Photoshop or any other image editor that supports the .PSD file format. In order to help you get started with the template, I…

New template: Variant Note

I am happy to present Variant Note, another release added to the ever-growing template gallery. Variant Note is a dual-layout template (2-column or single column) with a non-standard font used through @font-face. It comes in red colors, but it can easily be customized thanks to the simple CSS code structure. Source files in .PSD format…

The AndyBlue WordPress theme

Matteo Turchetto has created a WordPress theme called AndyBlue, which was inspired by the andreas08 template. The first version was made years ago, and it was used on a large number of blogs (including the Encyclopædia Britannica blog). The theme has since been updated to work with WordPress 3.0+ and features such as threaded comments,…

How to keep the CSS code clean

When I work with HTML, CSS, PHP or any other code or scripting language, I always try to keep the code in order to make sure it will remain easy to get into for future updates. Well-structured code makes it easier to spot errors, and also easier to get an idea of what the design…

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