Search Results for: wp

New template: Variant Pure

A new template has been released: Variant Pure. It includes three different layouts including a version adjusted for mobile devices. For a live demo, screenshots and a longer description, go to the Variant Pure page. To download the new template, click the screenshot below: Screenshot of the Variant Pure template (left: default style, right: alternate…

andreas03 (rust edition)

An alternate version of the andreas03 template has been released, with no layout changes but a new set of colors. Click the screenshot to download andreas03 dressed in orange/brown… (Update: A second version colored in green and with all images removed from the design has been added on request. Click here to download andreas03-noimg.)

Tutorial: Building your first website using a free website template (part 3)

This is part 3 in a series of blog posts that will explain how to use a free website template to build and publish a complete website. Read part 1 for an introduction to the tutorial and part 2 that describes how to download and unpack a template and finding an editor for your operating…

andreas05: two alternate versions

The minimalistic andreas05 template has got two alternate versions added. One version called andreas05-clean which is even more minimalistic than the original (.zip download size: 2.13 kilobytes!) and another version called andreas05-alt which is more colorful than the original thanks to a full-size background image.

Template gallery design refreshed

The template gallery page has got a new look with larger screenshots in two columns, less text and direct links to live demos of each template. The page is currently using smaller versions of the default style screenshots for each template in .png format, which is not optimal as the image height is different for…
