Search Results for: template


A basic 2-column XHTML/CSS template made for 1024px screen width (or higher), and it comes in two variations: left or right sidebar. It is SEO-friendly and accessible, but still very simple and logical structure. Just a good layout for those who prefer a visually clean style.

Variant Winter

Variant Winter is a 2-column template with two different navigation menu options, a right sidebar and a visual appearance inspired by the andreas02 and Variant Portal templates. Unlike the two mentioned templates, Variant Winter offers the possibility to add a header image to give the design a touch of color. All design elements (including the…

Variant Rounded

For sites with less content, this template could be useful. It has a somewhat more visual approach than Variant Portal, is more colorful and works well for websites and blogs which do not have any massive amounts of content. 3 columns, a simple menu and a large header section are some of the notable features….

Variant Note

Variant Note has two layout options, standard two-column and full-width single column. It is powered by a custom webfont through @font-face, uses CSS3 text-shadows and includes easy customization for inserting a logotype. Source files for all images are included (3 files, .PSD format). Related blog post: Customizing the images in the Variant Note template.

Variant Portal

A visually clean 3-column template, with a tab menu and a dual-column feature area. Minimal use of images and a simple code structure makes this a quick-loading template that is easy to customize and work with. No visual effects, no distractions. Variant Portal puts your texts (and/or images) first.
