Search Results for: template

Smokescreen CSS

The Smokescreen CSS template is the HTML5/CSS3 template version of the Smokescreen theme for WordPress. It features the same basic layout, visual style and navigation options. This template can be used both for building websites and for porting the Smokescreen design to other content management systems. If you make a theme port, please let me…

Daleri Dark

This is a somewhat different template release, built from the classic Daleri Dark theme for WordPress, originally released in 2007. It features the same design and mostly the same CSS (with a few minor changes and updates), including a feature that made the theme unique: Two feature areas inside the header image. In the WordPress…

Basic Show

Another super-simple dual-column content template with a simple inverted tab menu. The width of the main content area can easily be changed into any value (pixels or percentage), and the rest of the layout will adjust accordingly. An alternate version with a three-column layout (including a sidebar) and a different colorscheme is also available.

Basic Contact

A simple, narrow two-column layout with light-on-dark colors. Made on request from a website visitor who wanted to see an example of how to insert styles for a contact form in a template. The included form is only a sample, it will not work unless you connect it to a contact form script. Two alternate…

Read this first!

This text was written to help avoid common misunderstandings and to make sure that you contact the right person. If you write an e-mail based on any of the misunderstandings explained in this text or if you contact me even though this text explains that you should be contacting someone else, then be prepared that…
