Tag archive: css

CSS image slideshows without scripting

Stu Nicholls has a brilliant archive of experiments and concepts that pushes the limits for what can be done using CSS. Recently, he has published a number of demos that challenges the view that javascript is needed to create beautiful image slideshows. Using clever (and standards-compliant) coding, Stu shows that it is perfectly possible to…

Bold and emphasized text in the Inland CSS template

The Inland template (and the related Inland Earth and Inland Wood templates) have been updated to fix an error that several users have spotted: Text marked up with <strong> and <em> tags have not got been displayed as bold and in italics as expected. This is because of the CSS reset that was used in…

How to add multiple image sections to “This is me” v1.0

To add support for more than one gallery section in the “This is me” and “This is me (dark)” templates, there are a few things that need to be done in the HTML and CSS code. The following step-by-step tutorial works for both the light and the dark version of the “This is me” template….

“This is me” (dark version) released!

Here it is, the “This is me” template with inverted colors based on the tutorial posted a few days ago. Beside refreshing the colors, I have also refreshed the menu icons to make them fit with the dark background, as well as adding a set of sample photos to give you a better idea of…

“This is me” template with inverted colorscheme

On request, here is a quick example of how the colors can be changed in the new This is me template. To make the color switch easy to revert, I will do it using a custom class on the body element in the HTML. Step 1: Add the body class In index.html, find the <body>…
