Tag archive: templates

The HTML5 logo has been presented

As I continue experimenting with HTML5, I ran across the official HTML5 logo from W3C today. In an effort to promote the upcoming standard (which is still a “working draft” and not an official standard yet), the new logo is intended to make developers and designers to discover the many new possibilities that HTML5 provides….

Variant Whitespace – reversed layout added

As promised in the post from yesterday, I have updated the Variant Whitespace template today and added a secondary layout with the sidebar on the left side. The original layout with the right sidebar is still included as the default style (index.html), while the new layout is added in a new .HTML file called index-reversed.html….

Contributed modification coming up

Shortly after the Variant Whitespace template was released, I got an e-mail from a site visitor who had modified the template to reverse the layout to give it a left sidebar. At the same time, I was working on a set of alternate background images for the same template. During this weekend, I have merged…

New template: Variant Whitespace

A new template has been released, this time a simple 2-column layout called Variant Whitespace. Read more about it on the template page, or download Variant Whitespace here

Variant Mobile (light edition) added

An alternate version of the Variant Mobile template has been added, with a lighter colorscheme and a dual-column layout. This was requested by a template user looking for absolute minimalism and a template that would load lightning fast. The unzipped template is only 5 Kb. Download
