Search Results for: wp

Inverting the colors of a template

When I published the Variant Artist template some days ago, I thought it would be a good example for showing how to change the light-on-dark colors into the opposite, with dark text on light background. It can be done in several ways, and this is how I prefer to do it. This is what the…

Themes for WordPress and Drupal

The WordPress themes page has been updated, all themes can now be downloaded either directly from this site or from the official WordPress theme directory. I have tested all themes with WordPress 3.0, made minor adjustments and added a new theme based on the default twentyten theme but with some added styles and colors from…

Drupal themes

This is a list of available Drupal themes based on the free templates from The themes are found in the official Drupal theme directory, and the ones listed here were created by Nick Young. If you have any questions, requests or comments regarding these themes, contact Nick directly or through his page. Inland…

Replacing the transparent logo in Basic Landing

In the newly released Basic Landing template, there is a feature which I have never used before. The sample logotype in the header (as seen in the screenshot to the right) is a .png file which uses an alpha channel to make the background transparent and the glow effect semi-transparent. The sample logo can be…

New release: Variant Artist

I have noticed that a significant number of the search terms through which people find my templates are for “band website templates” and “artist web templates”. Since I am a former professional music producer and stage artist, I took this as a sign that it would be a good idea to make a template inspired…
